Before I started this look, I moisturised my lips and scrubbed them so they were smooth and there was no excess skin. I applied eyelash glue to both the top and the bottom of my lip. I waited a few minutes before rubbing both lips together and then pulled them apart created a dry cracked look. Once dried, I applied another layer and repeated the technique. Once the second layer had dried and my lips look dry and had a white look to them, I lined my lips with red supracolour and blended that in with a small eyeshadow brush to make my lips sore and red. I then applied red supracolour on the lips and blended that in with my fingers so I didn't damage the brush. I then applied a slight bit of black to my lips just to give it a slight dirty look. Finally I applied vaseline all over the lips including the corners to make them look swollen and sore.

Products used:

-Eyelash glue
-Red and black supracolour
-Zoeva small eyeshadow brush

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